
EAL Assessment, Tracking and Register all in one place.

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What does this offer us?

  • FULL MIS Integration now launching! Saving you even more time
  • Separate primary and secondary tests
  • Online testing of reading, speaking and listening skills
  • Teacher marked testing of writing (with very clear mark sheet anf online tracking)
  • Rolling average scoring that will intuitively end tests that become too difficult for a child
  • Automatically produced pupil profiles with child assessment levels inputted (MIS Integration coming in phase 3 of development)
  • A clear EAL register which records and tracks each EAL child enabling better planning for interventions
  • Clear, sharable data from student level to whole school level
  • Next steps for teachers depending on a child's level
  • Evidence Vault for uploading key pieces of writing or progress evidence within a child's profile
  • Porting of student data between schools (if both using the programme) - ideal for MATS and LAs
  • Used now by HUNDREDS of schools worldwide, and thousands of students every day
Smithills High School, Bolton
Watch a DEMO video of the site here.START YOUR FREE TRIAL HERE!

Track progress easily

More regular assessment of those at the earlier stages of learning English will enable schools to personalise learning and intervention

Save time with our predominantly online assessment that can be taken by groups of students simultaneously (using iPads, laptops or desktops)

Track individual pupils, classes, year groups or the whole school 

Data presented in ways that can easily be shared with teachers, senior leaders, governors or Ofsted (integration with Excel)

Grades automatically added to a child's pupil profile for easy sharing with teachers and support staff


Intuitive EAL Assessment is Here

One of the biggest differences between this platform and others out there is that it is intuitive, it knows when a child is struggling, or when they have reached their limit and it ends the test. This removes the struggle EAL learners often face during assessment where they have to complete the whole thing regardless of proficiency. It also saves YOU time because those at the earliest stages will take a very short test. In addition to this, the system is also able to learn from teacher marked areas and is constantly building a database of accepted answers so eventually the need to mark at all will be largely removed.

By having one single test that learners progress through, it is possible to easily show their progress as they move further through the test each time, as well as tracking their accuracy as they make fewer mistakes. 

Save time by adding students to the assessment system just once. This will automatically populate your EAL Register and collate data from assessments, alongside pupil profiles!

Everything you need to track and monitor your EAL learners all in one place. Students will automatically be moved up the years as they progress through the school or can be easily ported to a new school (if that school uses EAL STAR).

We are in the process of adding MIS integration so that soon you'll be able to pull pupil data in from systems such as SIMS and Arbor - saving yet more time.


We are so sure you'll love it that we are letting 
you try it for FREE. No card details, no commitment, just a genuine free trial to see if it works for you and your setting.

Find Out More

"Overall, we are very impressed and having looked at the results it has confirmed the assessments we have on these children. This will save a lot of time. We really like the next steps that it gives you for each pupil and this will help certainly guide intervention planning and be good feedback to give teachers."

Ant Brown - Deputy Head
Millbrook Primary School

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